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This disclaimer is designed to outline the terms and conditions governing the use of our business listing website. By accessing and using this website, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms:

Accuracy of Information: While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information on businesses listed on our website, we cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided. Users are advised to verify any information before making business-related decisions.

Third-Party Content: Our website may include links to third-party websites or content. We do not endorse or take responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or quality of such third-party content. Users should exercise caution and review the terms of use and privacy policies of these external sites.

User-Generated Content: Users may contribute reviews, ratings, and comments on businesses listed on our website. We do not endorse or verify the accuracy of user-generated content and are not responsible for any claims, opinions, or statements expressed therein. Users are solely responsible for their contributions and must adhere to our content guidelines.

Business Relationships: Our website provides a platform for businesses to showcase their products and services. Any transactions or interactions between users and businesses listed on our site are conducted at the users’ own risk. We do not assume responsibility for the quality, safety, or legality of any products, services, or interactions resulting from the use of our platform.

Privacy and Data Security: We take user privacy seriously and have implemented security measures to protect user data. However, no online platform can guarantee absolute security. Users are advised to review our Privacy Policy for more information on data collection, storage, and usage.

Limitation of Liability: To the fullest extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising from the use of our website, including but not limited to loss of profits, business interruption, or data loss.

Changes to Terms: We reserve the right to modify or update these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. Users are responsible for regularly reviewing this disclaimer to stay informed of any changes.

By accessing and using our business listing website, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of this disclaimer, please refrain from using our website.

Last updated: 08-08-2023

For any inquiries or concerns about this disclaimer, please contact us at