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Wonderla Amusement Park, Kochi

Wonderla has evolved into one of the premier amusement parks in the country. Located in Kochi, it is also regularly rated among the most visited spots in Kerala. People from across the country throng here to enjoy a multitude of rides and attractions. It is the first ISO 14001 (for environmental protection) and OHSAS 18001 (for safety) certified amusement park in India. Since 2000, it has entertained vacationers and locals alike with more than 50 rides on offer. The land and water rides are famous for the thrilling experiences they offer. The family friendly vibe prevalent in the park is hard to miss. Impeccably maintained, it boasts of a wide array of food options as well. Everyone who ever goes to Wonderla is assured a memorable experience that keeps getting better with each visit.


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